Unveiling Bitcoin Runes: The Next Evolution

April 25th, 2024

Introduction and History


Bitcoin was initially created as a secure and decentralized platform for storing and transferring value. Over a decade, it has served this purpose exceptionally well. However, since Bitcoin’s inception, the broader blockchain ecosystem has expanded considerably. Notable developments include the Ethereum network, which introduced smart contracts through its virtual machine, enabling decentralized apps (dApps) and both fungible and non-fungible tokens. These capabilities have spawned entire ecosystems dedicated to decentralized finance (DeFi), digital art, and more.


On the Bitcoin blockchain, while the core functionality remained focused on simplicity and security without support for complex smart contracts or dApps, new protocols have emerged to extend its capabilities. This includes the introduction of Bitcoin ordinals and BRC-20 tokens, and most recently, the Runes protocol, which was launched alongside the Bitcoin halving on April 20, 2024. The creation of Runes marks a significant step in evolving Bitcoin’s utility by enhancing the efficiency and scalability of tokenization on its network.

What are BRC-20 Tokens?


BRC-20 tokens are a type of fungible token that operates on the Bitcoin blockchain, introduced to bring smart contract-like functionality to a network traditionally focused on simple transactions. The BRC-20 protocol is inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard, which has been pivotal in the development of fungible tokens used for various decentralized applications.


Key Features of BRC-20 Tokens:


Smart Contract Simplicity: Although Bitcoin does not natively support complex smart contracts, BRC-20 tokens mimic this functionality through simpler scripting. This enables the creation of decentralized apps (dApps) that can interact with these tokens on the Bitcoin network.

Token Creation and Management: BRC-20 tokens allow developers to create their own branded cryptocurrencies or digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. These can represent virtual shares, assets, proof of membership, and more.

Compatibility and Usage: Managing these tokens typically requires a wallet that supports Taproot, a significant upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol that enhances privacy and efficiency in complex transactions.


BRC-20 tokens have opened new avenues for Bitcoin, expanding its use beyond mere currency to include features more commonly associated with Ethereum. However, they are not without their limitations, particularly in terms of transaction costs and energy efficiency. This backdrop set the stage for the development of Bitcoin Runes, which aim to address these inefficiencies by providing a more streamlined and cost-effective solution for tokenization on Bitcoin’s blockchain.

What are Bitcoin Ordinals?


Bitcoin Ordinals introduced the concept of inscribing digital assets directly onto individual satoshis, the smallest units of Bitcoin. This innovation allows for the creation of unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain, which is a significant divergence from Bitcoin’s original purpose as a currency and store of value.


Key Features of Bitcoin Ordinals:


Uniqueness: Each ordinal inscription is unique, attached to a specific satoshi, making it ideal for creating and trading digital collectibles and art.

Direct Inscription: Unlike traditional NFTs which often reference external data or media stored off-chain, ordinal inscriptions embed the data directly within the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring that the digital asset is as permanent and secure as Bitcoin itself.

No Need for Additional Layers: Ordinals do not require additional layers or sidechains; they utilize the existing Bitcoin infrastructure, maintaining the network’s security and decentralization.

What are Bitcoin Runes?


Bitcoin Runes are fungible tokens that operate on the Bitcoin blockchain through the new Runes protocol. These tokens are designed to be more efficient and cost-effective than their predecessors, like the BRC-20 tokens. Runes do not rely on complex smart contracts, making them particularly suitable for applications that require simpler transactional functions, such as trading memecoins or engaging in basic DeFi activities.

What are Bitcoin Runes used for?


Runes have a variety of applications due to their fungibility, like ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network. They can be used for:

Memecoins: Due to their simplicity and Bitcoin’s popularity, Runes are ideal for creating memecoins, which continue to play a significant role in crypto culture.


DeFi: Runes can facilitate basic DeFi applications like borrowing and lending due to their ability to be easily split and recombined, and their compatibility with the Lightning Network enhances their transaction speed and reduces costs.


Marketplace Transactions: Bitcoin Runes enhance marketplace transactions on the Bitcoin network by offering low transaction fees and high scalability. Their efficient design significantly reduces the costs associated with numerous small transactions, making them ideal for marketplace environments. Additionally, their compatibility with the Lightning Network enables faster transaction speeds and even lower fees, which is crucial for applications that require quick and frequent trading, such as microtransactions and real-time financial exchanges. This combination of cost-effectiveness and speed makes Bitcoin Runes a practical choice for improving transaction efficiency and scalability in digital marketplaces.

How do Bitcoin Runes work?


Bitcoin Runes utilize the fundamental transaction mechanism of the Bitcoin network, which requires an input and an output based on the Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXO) model. The creation of a Bitcoin Rune involves “etching” a genesis UTXO, which includes details like the Rune’s name, symbol, decimals, and total supply. Subsequent transactions fractionalize this original UTXO into smaller, fungible pieces that are distributed as Runes.

What is the Difference Between Bitcoin Runes, BRC-20, and Ordinals?


Bitcoin Runes, BRC-20, and Ordinals are all protocols developed to expand the functionalities of the Bitcoin network, each serving different purposes and built with unique characteristics. Understanding the distinctions among these can provide clarity on their respective roles within the Bitcoin ecosystem.


Bitcoin Runes


Functionality: Bitcoin Runes are designed to create fungible tokens that are efficient and cost-effective. They facilitate the creation of digital assets that can be used similarly to traditional cryptocurrencies.

Efficiency: Runes minimize the data required for transactions, making them more streamlined and reducing the fees associated with token transfers.

Compatibility: They are compatible with both the main Bitcoin network and the Lightning network, enhancing their scalability and utility in faster transactions.




Complexity: BRC-20 tokens can include more complex features than Runes, resembling smart contracts on Ethereum but tailored to the more restrictive scripting environment of Bitcoin.

Cost and Energy: The creation and management of BRC-20 tokens are generally more costly and energy-intensive than Runes, primarily due to their more complex data requirements.

Wallet Requirements: Managing BRC-20 tokens requires a Taproot-enabled wallet, which is necessary to handle the sophisticated scripts that these tokens utilize.


Bitcoin Ordinals


Nature of Tokens: Unlike Runes and BRC-20, Ordinals are not primarily about creating fungible tokens. Instead, they focus on inscribing unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) directly onto individual satoshis on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Use Cases: Ordinals are used for creating digital art and collectibles, where each inscribed satoshi represents a unique piece of content, be it an image, text, or other forms of media.

Technical Implementation: The process involves embedding data into the satoshis, making each inscribed satoshi uniquely identifiable and collectible.


Bitcoin Runes, BRC-20 tokens, and Ordinals each serve distinct purposes on the Bitcoin network with varying technical requirements and cost implications. Runes are optimized for creating efficient, general-purpose fungible tokens with low transaction costs, making them ideal for frequent transactions. In contrast, BRC-20 tokens support more complex transaction types at a higher cost and energy consumption, while Ordinals specialize in minting unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) without ongoing transactional costs but require substantial data for each inscription.



The future of Bitcoin Runes looks promising as they are designed to address some of the inefficiencies of previous token protocols on the Bitcoin network. With the backing of significant platforms and the potential for widespread adoption in DeFi and other sectors, Runes could play a crucial role in expanding Bitcoin’s role in the broader crypto ecosystem. As with any new technology, potential risks and challenges could arise, but the initial reception and support for Runes suggest a robust development trajectory.


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