The Alluring Dance of Crypto and Greed

October 25th, 2023

Ever noticed how a shiny object can distract us? The world of cryptocurrency often behaves like that shiny object, especially for those new to its landscape. With tales of overnight millionaires and dramatic market surges, it’s easy to get carried away in the euphoria of it all. But, as any seasoned investor will tell you, letting greed dictate your crypto journey can be risky business.


Understanding the Crypto Mirage


Entering the cryptocurrency arena, especially during a bull market, can feel like stepping into a financial wonderland. Why? Because the returns in the crypto universe operate on a whole different scale compared to traditional markets.


In our regular financial world, if an investment yields an 8-12% annual return, it’s often considered a good year. Translate that to the crypto world, and you could see an 8-12% jump in a single day! And while that sounds exhilarating, it can also be disorienting. It’s like a novice hiker suddenly finding themselves on Everest’s peak; the view is mesmerizing, but the risk of a misstep is high.


This “accelerated reward” perception can shift a new investors mindset from “I hope I get a decent return” to “Why shouldn’t I double my money today?” This shift is where the seeds of greed are sown.

As soon as the whispers of greed begin to echo, meme coins poke their head out, daring you to take a chance on their wild ride.


Meme Coins: The Wildcards of the Crypto Deck


There’s no denying the allure of meme coins—cryptocurrencies that often start as internet jokes but sometimes see stratospheric rises. For many, the appeal is simple: “What if I bet on the next big thing?” “I could turn $1,000 into $1 million”.


But here’s the reality check: for every meme coin that skyrockets, many tumble into oblivion. New investors, especially those with no prior investment experience, can be especially vulnerable. They hear tales of 100x & 1000x returns and get drawn in, not realizing that such results are more the exception than the rule.


In this high-stake arena, many investors overlook the complexities and risks lurking beneath the surface. Quite often for a small percentage to win big the vast majority must lose. For a deeper look into this topic, check out this article by Leeway here!


The Crown Jewel: Bitcoin


Before you dive deep into the vast ocean of cryptocurrencies, consider starting with the most well-established name in the game: Bitcoin. While the crypto world is inherently high-risk, think of Bitcoin as the “safest” harbor within this volatile storm. It offers a taste of the crypto experience, often without the wild unpredictability of lesser-known coins.


Remember, a consistent gain, even if it seems modest in the crypto world, can be a massive win in the broader financial landscape. So, why gamble everything on unpredictable meme coins when you can build steadily with more established names?


Crafting Your Crypto Strategy: Diversification is Key


One timeless piece of investment wisdom is diversification. Even within the high-stakes world of crypto, this principle holds.


Now hear me out!


Imagine you’ve got $100,000 to invest with. You decide to allocate 20% ($20,000) to cryptocurrencies, given their high-risk nature. Now, instead of dumping this entire amount into one coin or category, considering spreading it out. The breakdown might look something like this:


Low-risk crypto (like Bitcoin or Ethereum): 50% ($10,000)

Medium-risk: (like Polygon or Solana) 30% ($6,000)

High-risk (like Render or Sandbox) 15% ($3,000)

Very High-risk (like Meme Coins): 5% ($1,000)

By doing this, you’re not putting all your crypto eggs in one basket. Even if your highest-risk investments don’t pan out, you’ve got a cushion.


Don’t get me wrong, diversification isn’t the only way to structure your portfolio but I think it’s a great way for a beginner to approach cryptocurrency, if they plan on investing outside of Bitcoin & Ethereum.


Parting Thoughts


Cryptocurrency offers a new frontier in investment, one that’s dynamic, exciting, and yes, filled with potential. But like any frontier, it has its perils. By approaching it with caution, educating yourself, and not letting greed cloud judgment, you can safely navigate it’s waves.


After all, in this game, it’s often the careful and patient players who come out on top.


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