The Primes

Tool / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: TBD
Mint date: TBD
Mint price: TBD
Project verified by
Last review update August 3rd, 2023

About The Primes

The Primes are an advanced and versatile tech studio aiming to be a driving force for quality and innovation in the whole NFT ecosystem. Through their team, with a wealth of experience in art and technology, they have built a complete suite of essential tools and products to innovate the way we think about NFTs.


The Collection


At present, nothing has been set in stone as far as numbers go, however the team have indicated that they are aiming for a 7777 Supply to be minted at 3 SOL each. Whilst there haven’t been any examples of the art revealed yet, it is clear that there will be a feline theme to the collection.

For the moment, their pre-sale is currently live which can be accessed here. At time of writing, the sale remains open at a price of 2.85 SOL with 817 sold out of 820 Mint Passes.

Mint Pass holders will be airdropped their main collection NFT post-mint as per the vesting schedule.


Capsules Airdrop

The Capsules appear to be an early stage airdrop via raffle for those within the Discord with certain roles having a higher probability of getting one (e.g. OG members get a 30% boost). These Capsules will be tradeable and holders can decide for themselves whether they hold them or burn them for CATNIP.


The Platform

Primes Raffle

Primes Raffle functions as a raffle-aggregator using decision-making AI to identify trending and better odds raffles. The platform also allows users to purchase tickets across multiple raffles in a single transaction. The team have mentioned that they are exploring the option of supporting credit card payments for purchases.


Amplified Lending Protocol

Having identified the market’s particular taste for lending, the team have put together their Amplified Lending Protocol to create the ultimate one-stop shop maximising user-experience. Key features revealed so far include:

  • Aggregation and analytics across platforms
  • Automation functions
  • Crowd Lending options
  • Lending Insurance protocols



BetCord is a Discord based PVP Betting bot that is publicly available for anybody to use. At present, Horse Racing is the first game available for uses to play. Players create a race by setting a buy-in amount for competitors. The bot randomises a winner within the context of a digital ‘horse race’. More betting games are on their way.


Social Gamification

Through their social gamification, The Primes aim to create a fun and rewarding way to engage on a daily basis. The closest comparison that comes to mind is Badges and Streaks from Okay Bears.


Holder Benefits

On our Shill & Grill Twitter space with Gotto, we were able to confirm that all features on the platform are available to the public with the team monetising various aspects. NFT holders will benefit from gamification of the platform and get rewarded for use and engagement.



Several allusions to CATNIP have been made outside of the Whitepaper. It would appear to be some sort of points system or token earned that can be used in the Primes Vending machine in return for prizes. How CATNIP is earned remains to be confirmed. Whether or not prizes are randomised or not also remains to be seen.



Team Members Role
Powered by


  • Founder and CTO




  • Lead Artist



  • Discord Game Manager
  • Twitter: @banpouk




The Platform

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at their platform is that they are covering a lot of different areas. Whilst this isn’t necessarily a problem, I haven’t seen many projects create so many different functions and still maintain quality across them all. To quote the great Ron Swanson:

Never half-ass two things..." - Ron Swanson [495x273] : r/QuotesPorn

That being said, there are exceptions to this rule, the most obvious one being Famous Fox Federation and there’s certainly no reason why a similar platform cannot emerge. It will all come down to execution.


Prime Habits

First thought that it was just another GM streak like Okay Bears does. Even as an Okay Bears holder, I don’t bother with the GM streak as it just strikes me as very spammy. When everyone is tweeting GM from the same source, it loses all meaning – and that’s with GM having already basically lost all meaning already but that’s a rant for another day.

If they can find a way to promote social engagement from their holders in a way that isn’t repetitive, then I will certainly hold a more positive view of it. The rewards system definitely looks more appealing than with Okay Bears (at least for me). Where Okay Bears earns you raffle tickets, it would appear as though Prime Habits earns you Gems which can be exchanged for prizes. With my terrible luck with raffles, I find the ability to accumulate and win smaller prizes more appealing than never winning a big one.


Lending Protocol

This is definitely what caught my eye as an avid lender but as someone who already uses Lender Labs (and loves it), The Primes have their work cut out for them if they want me to use their protocol instead. It’ll ultimately come down to how good the features, UI and analytics are.


Raffle Aggregator

The only product that is something that I haven’t seen before. If I’m being cynical, really the only raffle platform people use is Famous Foxes. Maybe Monet. Is there really so much data out there that an aggregator is necessary?


Casino Games

Again, probably not something that interests me personally but from a project perspective, there’s already plenty of coin flip, chance games out there already. Grabbing that market share may prove to be a challenge.



I personally think this is going to be fun for about 5 minutes and then people lose interest. I’ve seen too many Discord bot games come and go and yet for whatever reason, Rumble Royale reigns supreme. I just think there are far more engaging games that communities can run that don’t require a Discord bot. Poker anyone?



As with all NFT projects, the big question is always ‘Where does the NFT fit in?’. We were able to confirm on our space with them that the main utilities (lending protocol, raffle aggregator etc.) will not be gated behind the NFT but rather the ability to earn rewards from engagement. Perhaps holders will get discounted fees for use as well? However, in almost every case where NFT holders get platform discounts, you need to be using the platform A LOT for those discounts to accumulate to a level that means anything.

I do have to give credit to the team for recognising the limitations and arguably self-destructive decision that is gating features that the public would benefit from behind an NFT. Skribr Network Lead, DeNomics, breaks down this phenomenon in his article, Tool Access NFTs, Good or Bad?


Business Model

One thing I’d like to dive into more is what elements of the platform will generate revenue from the project. Gotto was able to clarify on our space that the features of the platform will earn a fee for the project whilst remaining open to the public. I personally prefer this model significantly more to the upfront lump sum revenue of an NFT that gates those features as it means ongoing revenue. The sticking point here will be that they need to make the UI/UX so good that people are willing to cop the extra fee to use their platform rather than directly go to the source for themselves.

To the team’s credit as well, a lot of the platform has already been built which is a huge green flag. It is a fantastic sign when a team has their own skin in the game by putting their own funds and time to create a working product prior to launch.



For a project that frequently cites their desire for innovation in their whitepaper, there is alarmingly little that is new on what they are building. Only the Raffle Aggregator is something I have not seen before. All the other products also have longstanding competitors that they will have to work hard to gain market share from. Their best bet is in being able to set themselves apart by creating a UI/UX that beats out all the rest but this is no easy feat.

Overall there are more questions I would want answered before committing to buying in. To collate them all in one location:

  • What role does CATNIP play in holders being rewarded?
  • Can they create a product that can compete with everything else that is already on the market?

The potential is certainly there. In my mind, the best case scenario is that the platform absolutely explodes with users and the revenue generated goes towards rewarding holders. Think Famous Fox Federation. That way, valuation of the NFT is not based purely on valuation of the platform services it gets access or perks to, but also the reward mechanisms in place.


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