The Normies

ART / DeFi / Gaming / Utility
Blockchain: Polygon
Collection size: 3333
Mint date: 10/04/2023
Mint price: 30
Project verified by
Last review update April 25th, 2023

About The Normies

Normies is a service provider and the first of its kind on the Polygon Blockchain.
The primary goal of Normies is to offer projects services that will bring value to their project and communities. Being early on the Polygon chain brings the opportunity to become the primary service provider for new projects and platforms in the future. With projects recognising the value of building on Polygon the expectation is that services will be in high demand.
Normies are building the infrastructure that will be used throughout the Polygon Blockchain. 


Available Services

Tyche – Raffle Platform using MATIC for transactions.

Ares – An innovative Raid2Earn Platform on Polygon

Plutu – A decentralised platform for NFT-backed loans

Dino (Casino) – Mini-games on Polygon

Ptah (Art)Connecting artists with projects and customers

Ikon – A Marketing and Branding solution


Why should you hold a Normie?


The Platform

These we have probably all seen before but this is a first for the Polygon blockchain and currently there is no competition for market share.


Raffle Platform using MATIC for transactions. Projects can raffle their whitelists and NFTs, individuals may raffle their NFT’s.
From a project perspective a clever use for the platform is projects looking to raffle off a portion of their whitelists before minting. By using the platform, projects can ensure that the community has an equal chance to participate, while also generating income to cover some of the project’s costs prior to minting.
Revenue will be raised through ticket sales and marketing fees.
Revenue distribution will be :

  • 70 % Holders
  • 15% Development
  • 15 % Team


Raid2Earn. Projects and individuals can set their preferred budgets and schedule raids. With a minimal fee charged by Ares, raiders will receive a percentage of income.The more NFT’s that you hold the more raids you can participate in. 


This is a decentralised platform for NFT-backed loans. Borrowers can use any NFT from verified collections to easily get a loan, while lenders bid on a verified NFT. 

Dino (Casino)

Normies have created mini-games on Polygon that bring joy and entertainment to users, so far they have a coin flip and a poly mine which is similar to a chain game in which you have to choose the right option to multiply your money, if you choose wrong you lose. This Casino has been built from scratch, no white label here. Referral codes will be created for DAO’s and influencers to generate income.
Revenue from the platform will be shared in the following

  • 70% back to holders
  • 20% Development team
  • 10% Team

Ptah (Art)

The roadmap has plans to discover artists and connect them with other projects and customers. Ptah will be unveiled as a service by Normies and will be an important part of the Normies platform.


Ikon is a branding and marketing solution that offers users pre made templates for profile pictures, Twitter headers, posters and banners. The platform also enables projects to provide users with professional-looking templates that are ready to use.

Team Members Role
Powered by

EZ – Lead


The project has a bit of a background. Was initially called Luna Doodle Monkies then Immortals and now Normies.
Plans had changed due to market conditions and the obvious crash of Luna.
A bit of a brief history and background has been done by the project and can be found here


Normies had quite a large following coming up to mint with over 21k followers. The project minted out and managed to get 25ok Matic volume in trading which was impressive.

The Ikon Marketing and Branding Platform and Tyche Raffle Platform are already released and available but have not been very successful. I feel Normies has taken on many different avenues to create revenue and in the rush to get to market first released platforms that are unpolished with an average UI.
This has been reflected in holder sentiment. A large decrease in volume and a drop below mint price has not gone unnoticed. Twitter reactions and social presence has also take a downturn.

Anyone that has been in this space for a while will know that hype and sentiment are hard to turn around.

Tech in the web3 space is easily copied and history shows there will be copies. We can only hope the release of future platforms is at a higher standard than what is currently in place.


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