The Heist

Gaming / PFP / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 10,000
Mint date: 18/April/2023
Mint price: 6.75
Current floor price (ME): 0.2 SOL
Total Listed (ME): 361
Total Sales (ME): 804,839.54 SOL
Project verified by
Last review update August 18th, 2023

About The Heist

The Heist is the latest release from Longwood Labs. You may know these guys from their previous blockchain game release “The Remnants”

Peel City is where all the action unfolds. You either play as the “Chimps” trying to steal the “Nana” (the local token) or play as the “Gorillas” who protect locations from theft depending on which NFT is held in your wallet.

The game is a balance of Risk vs Reward and how you manage risk is entirely up to you. Their are multiple Heist locations to choose from within Peel City with variations to the risk.

As a Chimp spends time on a Heist, their potential rewards and risk grow over time. Chimps can claim their heist any time after 4 hours. When they claim, different events can occur, depending on their Event Table chances. 











Choose your Heist location wisely as when a Chimp gets arrested a portion of the lost $Nana will be distributed with the Gorillas staked at that location.


Season One

Season One of the Heist revolves around $NANA. There is a limited supply of 1 Billion $NANA and these emissions will only happen during Season One but will be used for current and future seasons.

The goal in Season one is to get that $NANA. But it’s not that simple, in Peel City getting that $NANA is gamified and involves some amount of strategy.


You can send your Chimp out on Heists. Choose wisely as the high yield locations also come with the highest probability of negative outcomes.
The mechanics behind the $NANA yields are influenced by time spent, stats level, items equipped and the amount of users in that particular location.
Put simply, there is X amount of $NANA emissions from each location over a set period. The emissions are distributed to chimps in that location, more chimps equals more distribution in turn  a lower yield per chimp.

When a user ends their Heist (by claiming) they will randomly roll an event.



Users can stake their Chimps at Robbery locations for a set period of time in the attempt to pillage useful items such as duffle bags, lock picks or safe crackers.
Robberies are timed missions that yield items of variable strengths and power. These items can later be equipped to increase potential rewards on Heists.

Upon hitting an item, you will roll on the rarity table to determine the exact item and bonus you receive.

Careful equipping these items though, the gamification does not stop here. Although these items give greater yields they can also be lost if you roll either a confiscated, arrested or rekt.


Use cases for $NANA are

  • Recruiting
  • Stats, Skills and Perks
  • Trading
  • NFT Upgrades
  • Social Cosmetics
  • Rewards Hub

The Recruitment Centre

This works on a raffle system where you will purchase a contract (raffle ticket) using $NANA which may or may not be accepted. $NANA used for contracts will not be refunded.
The recruitment centre is where you can find 5000 dormant apes. Users can spend $NANA to recruit a new ape, with a 90% chance of receiving a Chimp and a 10% chance of receiving a Gorilla.
Cost of minting new Apes goes up over time. The Recruitment Centre will stay open until the end of the season or until all Apes have been recruited.

Stats Skills and Perks

Spend your $NANA on improving the stats of your apes. It comes at a cost but improving your yield, luck or stealth may pay off.


Another feature built into the game is the ability to trade with others within Peel City


NFT Upgrades and Social Cosmetics

The Cosmetics shop allows for purchases that may be applied to change the look of your apes, but be quick these items are limited. Social Cosmetics unlock and display achievements and titles

Rewards Hub

The Rewards Hub is a place to check in and grab daily tickets, the hub also has streak rewards so checking in daily will yield more tickets on the 5th consecutive day.

Users can claim extra tickets for having a Heist PFP on Twitter and linking their Twitter to their social profile.

Season Two

Season Two see the introduction of Orangutans to Peel City. This was another mint for $130 USDC with approx 1500 going into a raffle style mint.(0.5sol per ticket, no refunds)

Season two has players playing for the new token $COCO.

Similar to season one players will stake their NFT’s at different heist locations and manage their risk reward in search of the greatest outcome.

Season Two brings the addition of Ambush. Chimps & Orangutans can capture and ambush each other while on trips and Heists.
Level 3/4 Combat Stats on NFT’s also grant the ability to steal not only $COCO but items from users when ambushed.


The Goal

Gather as many powerful items as you can and upgrade your NFT’s stats to increase your chances of positive outcomes and maximise $COCO emissions.

Each location emits around 20 million $COCO per day.
This averages

  • 16 million between Chimps & Orangutans, and
  • 4 million $COCO for Gorillas, since they split relative to the number of users at the location.

Upon claiming rewards Chimps and Orangutans roll on the event table. Outcomes are determined by items equipped and NFT stats.

Scavenger Trips

These are timed trips that yield scrap. Chimps and Orangutans interact here in an attempt to steal scrap. Scrap can be used in-game in the Black Market

The Black Market

The Black Market is where Chimps and Orangutans will exchange their Scrap, plus $COCO, to purchase items.

On exchange, the item rarity will be rolled. The rarity of the item will determine the power of its associated stat boost. Equipping an item grants the Chimp or Orangutan with the bonus attached. This stacks on top of the Chimp/Orangutans base stats

Military Base

This is a “King of the Hill” style event where Chimps vs Orangutans in a winner takes all event.
The winning side will be determined by the number of NFTs from either side & their aggregated combat stats.

The winning team will have various rewards, which will include access to Rump’s Residence, $COCO, a split of items, temporary stats boosts and an increased chance of rolling higher rarity items at the Black Market. Everything except $COCO and the items will be a temporary boost/access, until the following Military Base event takes places


Higher stats grant users unique bonuses. Stats are tied to individual NFT’s. If the NFT is sold it maintains stats that were previously purchased.

Land Grab

Season 2 users will be battling it out to earn, level up & place their land within Peel City.
This will become the #1 Flagship feature of the Heist. Not many details yet so keep an eye out.


The recruitment centre is open once again, this time stacked with 5000 Orangutans, users can spend $NANA and $COCO to recruit a new ape.

Note: There is also the possibility of recruiting a chimp

Team Members Role
Powered by

Information was not readily available about the team, ticket opened was closed without response when I asked for Twitter links to teams social profiles


Lead at The Heist, Co- Founder


Builder of The Heist, Co-Founder of



CMO at The Heist, 1/3 of


TheUde – CEO

ToMoooze – Design


Matija – CTO



The Heist successfully launched during challenging market conditions and defied concerns regarding presale dumping.
The project continues to maintain engagement through its entertaining and engaging gameplay. Limited availability of $NANA in Season One has generated speculation about its future value and potential use cases.

The team here is not new to this and it shows, the game itself has some very interesting gamification which keeps users both active and talking. Social timelines seemed to be plastered with people posting either the haul that they got from Heists or the unfortunate luck with multiple fumbles from their Chimps.

While the price of $NANA experienced a price drop due to an early exploit, it has since stabilised. The challenge for the project lies in retaining players for the long term, as blockchain games often struggle in this area. Traditionally the play with gaming projects is to get in early and get out before user retention drops off. However, with an experienced team and a solid financial foundation, the project has the potential to break the traditional trajectory of blockchain gaming and establish a sustainable game.

I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for the new Seasons and whether the team can hold a sustainable player base and continue to be successful.

New Season Update

Season One of “The Heist” has concluded, surpassing all initial expectations. The game has not only sustained player engagement, but it has also contributed to the sustained value of the $NANA token.

With the launch of Season Two, the project has swiftly ascended to become one of the most popular projects within the Solana ecosystem. This new phase has generated substantial trading volume, catering to traders, while also introducing a diverse array of gamified experiences for holders.

Despite prevailing market challenges, “The Heist” has exhibited resilience. Although certain individuals liken the project to a ponzi scheme, this skepticism is not without merit, considering the absence of an external revenue stream. This raises valid concerns about the project’s future and how many expansions are possible.

In light of these considerations, exercise caution. Nevertheless, the present game provides an opportunity to get great enjoyment whilst effectively diverting attention from the underlying conditions impacting the NFT market.


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