Taiyo Robotics

Brand / PFP / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 2121
Mint date: 22/11/2021
Mint price: 1
Current floor price (ME): 6.262 SOL
Total Listed (ME): 47
Total Sales (ME): 435,604.41 SOL
Project verified by
Last review update May 26th, 2023

About Taiyo Robotics

With strong leadership from Solport Tom and a solid community they have proved themselves to be one of the stronger projects on the Solana blockchain.

The Gen1 collection will always be the crown jewel of the collection but with multiple collections there are entry levels for everyone and with the addition of pilots Tayios exposure and presence in the space will be much greater.

Tayio Robotics is a derug project. Since the takeover they have proven themselves to be a tech giant in the Solana space. Being a highly focused tech project plans are to be the bottom layer minting provider to rival the Candy Machine as well as provide a no code tool suite provided for other projects.

The recent move from the original token Scrap to Graphite has allowed for growth and an eco system built around the token to make it sustainable.


The centre of the Taiyo eco system is the token Graphite. In this section we will break down both collections and the Graphite Eco system.


Taiyo Robotics (Gen1)

In short – Milestone based staking site here, burn oil to apply staking multipliers to your Gen1 or Gen2.

Gen1 Taiyo Robotics

Gen1 will always be the crown jewel of the collection. This collection has the greatest staking emissions and the ability to equip armory parts to enhance the look of your Taiyo.


Taiyo Infants


Taiyo Infant








The original roadmap allowed 2 x Gen1 to breed and produce Taiyo Infants. This has now come to an end.
On the new roadmap Infants stake for Graphite at approx 1/3 the emissions of the Gen1.
Taiyo Infants (Gen2) also cannot be eqipped with aromory parts.
Gen2 have the same access permissions as the Gen1, at a more affordable entry price.


Staking for both Gen1 and Infants (Gen2) is a unique milestone based staking emissions system.


Taiyo Oil

10L Oil

5L Oil








Taiyo oil is available in 2 sizes. The 5L and 10L
Oil is now used as a staking boost by burning the oil on the staking site.
Burning the oil deletes it from the blockchain and it can no longer be accessed. The boosts apply to the selected NFT for life.

5L Oil Represents a 5% boost to Staking.
10L Oil represents a 10% boost to Staking.

The max boost you can apply to your GEN1/2 is 15% the only exemption to this is Legendaries 1/1’s which can boost 20%.


Taiyo Armory Parts

These parts were part of the old roadmap. Available to purchase from the customiser in Scrap (the old token).
They can be applied to change the aesthetics on Gen1.


Taiyo Pilots

Pilots come in four Factions. Enforcers, Rebels, Operators and the Resistance. Pre reveal pilots have staking for points in place.

Each pilot makes 3 Faction Points per day relative to their faction.

Points are  ($CHAOS, $MECHA, $MATRIX and $ORDER)


Faction points will be used during the reveal process to purchase loot boxes.


The Pilots Reveal Process

A short video can tutorial can be found here.  https://twitter.com/TaiyoPilots/status/1637649794892955650?s=20

Or for those of you that prefer a visual, Taiyo have made a nice flow chart to follow.

To break this down.

  • Stake for Faction points
  • Use Faction points to open loot boxes that contain wardrobe traits
  • Customise your pilot with wardrobe traits
  • Lock it in and reveal OR decline, take your chances in the loot boxes again and repeat the process.

Enforcer rare traits

Taiyo Pilot Rebel


To add to the gamification Pilots were airdropped cores. This come in 3 types, normal, average and rare. These will be burned and will change Pilots staking rewards from faction points to $Graphite.


Graphite Protocol : Products and Services

In short, the goal for Taiyo is to make a bunch of tech powered by the token Graphite.

Graphite Incubator

Taiyo will act as an incubator for projects looking to mint using their launchpad. Projects approach Taiyo to use their services, instead of taking 10% from their mint in Sol Taiyo will ask for 10%of the mints to be minted in Graphite.
A percentage of WL spots will also be asked for which will be sold in Graphite. All Graphite raised will go back to the project wallet and taken out of circulation (essentially burned)


Graphite Mainframe

Taiyo aims to be the underlying minting provider on the Solana blockchain. Graphite Mainframe is a custom minting contract that aims to replace the current standard for Solana mints, which is known as Candy Machine.
Taiyo has already proven the quality of their work with their Antibot Security. Graphite Mainframe looks to build on this with the addition of advanced customisation to minting. Additions may include raffle mints, dynamic mints, dutch auction mints, and coin flip mints. All with the ability to accept different forms of SPL tokens in each phase.


Mintport is a user friendly tech suite that will act as an onramp to assist in mass scale adoption for Graphite Mainframe Machine.

The tech suite is a preset custom minting contract that Solana enjoyers can operate without any coding skills. The platform is a simple as dragging and dropping the json, metadata and csvs files and you’re ready to go. To put it simply a supercharged version of “Launch my NFT” built with simplicity and functionality in mind.

Graphite Labels Services — Crosschain

Graphite Labels in short is a plug and play tech suite. The purpose of the tool suite is to automatically deploy applications that are selected by the consumer. Users can log in to the interface and choose what utilities they wish to acquire. An example of this would be a project that needs a staking platform. A non custodial staking contract can be launched that will be immediately available.

HQ Production Suite

The production suite will offer high quality trailers to consumers who will pay using Graphite token for these services.

Graphite IDO

The Graphite Protocol IDO is the official public sale of the Graphite Utility Token, this sale happened on Feb 09, 2023.

Vesting periods for this IDO are:

  • Private Investors: 18 Months Vested
  • Graphite Team: 30 Months Vested
  • Advisory: 120 Months Vested

Sub Brands


The first official sub-brand, went live in early December 2022. Befomo is an online Casino where profits will flow back into supporting the Graphite token ecosystem.

Adult Products

The team has ambitions to create an adult industry related sub-brand given their expertise in the web2 side of that business. No information to date but this will be a future possibility.




Team Members Role
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Solport Tom – Project owner


Solport Tom is one of the most known and respected project owners in the Solana space.
Before coming to the Solana space Solport Tom had an impressive amount of experience in marketing and business management.
From an early age he made a successful income from affiliate rewards from referrals in the adult industry.
Using this marketing knowledge he then went own to own a business with others working under him to refer and bring in traffic to clients sites.

Solport Tom is a visionary and saw the potential in blockchain and web3 and derugged Taiyo.
Since this point he has built a team of top Devs that produce quality work on the Solana Blockchain.



Taiyo is one of the more respected projects on Solana and with great leadership from Solport Tom they have continuously grown.


  • The dev team makes some very high quality stuff, the ambition to be the bottom layer minting provider on Solana is a big goal, should they pull this off it will be huge.
  • The leadership form Solport Tom is highly respected both internally and throughout the Solana space
  • Plans to expand cross chain
  • Graphite is a sustainable token as there are many uses to increase buying pressure



  • Gen1 and Gen2 are small collections and community exposure has been limited
  • A lot of pressure for the Graphite Eco system to be successful, the project is very much reliant on the token.
  • Marketing and exposure is top quality but the reach is not as far as some others.
  • Gen1/Gen2 art is an acquired taste.



I found one of the major flaws was exposure which has been realised and addressed.

With the addition of the Pilots collection the project has expanded its holder base and added some really interesting gamification to the Pilots to keep holders engaged and active. More will be revealed over time as at the time of writing Pilots are yet to reveal.

It has been said that the Gen1 and Gen2 collections will have new art on the way, with the top quality of the art on the Pilots expectations are high for the Gen1 Gen2 collections.
News that recently dropped is the project will use a portion of the revenue to sweep to floor and burn both the Gen2 and the associated Graphite and hints of something dropping on the ETH chain. Keep your eyes out for this one.




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