Pioneer Legends

Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 3000
Mint date: 31/10/2023
Mint price: 8
Project verified by
Last review update October 31st, 2023

About Pioneer Legends

Pioneer Legends is a revenue generating project that shares profits with holders.

Revenue is generated from

  • Crypto Mining (BTC, LTC and Doge)
  • DeFi
  • Royalties, lending and more activities to be announced

Two crypto mining farms have already been built, one in Ohio and one in Paraguay, funded by Legacyz at a cost of approx 1.3 Million.
There is already a contact secured for electricity costs with local governments.



Pioneer Legends will have a futuristic cowboy theme built around three factions

  • Outlaws – Passive received from DeFi activity
  • Law Officials – Passive received from royalties loaning and TBA
  • Miners – Passive received from Crypto Miners

Season one will have all factions receiving equal base weekly payments, although there will a gamified aspect added where the winning faction will get a slightly better reward.

Season two hints that holding one of each faction will bring greater rewards.

Team Members Role
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Legacyz – Founder/ Director of Strategic Partnerships

Legacyz is well known from his work within Moonies, Looties, Degen Invest, Money DAO.
A proven track record to take over projects and improve their path.
Legacyz has recently left a Snr Exec role irl to commit further to his web3 commitments.


History indicates a pattern of unsuccessful crypto mining ventures within the Solana ecosystem, as evidenced by past attempts that have ultimately faltered.
In light of this, one may wonder what sets Pioneer Legends apart from its predecessors. The distinguishing factor here is the presence of an exceptional founder, Legacyz.

Legacyz boasts a commendable track record of assuming leadership roles in projects and enhancing their trajectory. Notable examples of this include Moonies, Looties, and MoneyDAO.

Pioneer Legends has already committed substantial resources, amounting to $1.3 million, towards the development of two crypto mining facilities. Additionally, the project has secured agreements with local government bodies to mitigate power-related expenses. This proactive approach is entirely opposite to many other projects that typically raise funds for construction, leading to extended periods during which investors do not realise returns on their investments. Another noteworthy approach from Pioneer Legends is its approach to presales, which will be made available the week of mint. This arrangement ensures that investors do not face prolonged lockup periods for their funds prior to the project’s launch.

An initial concern may arise regarding Legacyz’s ability to balance multiple projects alongside an existing professional role. However, this concern has been addressed, as Legacyz intends to step down from a senior executive position at a well-established company to devote his full attention to web3 initiatives, positioning himself strategically for potential growth. Furthermore, the question of why an individual would willingly share profits from a personally funded mining operation? Legacyz’s motivation is rooted in his desire to see the space thrive, and this revenue-sharing mechanism serves both as an educational endeavour and a means of giving back to the community.

This bring us to concerns around revenue share. The potential regulatory challenges associated with revenue sharing have been addressed through the establishment of the project in Dubai, even though Legacyz himself resides in the United States.

In summary, the success of Pioneer Legends hinges upon the performance of its mining farms and the potential rewards for holders. At this point, the outcomes remain speculative, contingent upon fluctuations in crypto prices and mining operational costs. For those interested in passive investment opportunities, Pioneer Legends is one to watch closely.


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