
ART / Brand / PFP
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 10,000 (Subject to change)
Mint date: TBA
Mint price: TBA
Project verified by
Last review update September 8th, 2023

About Kromes

The Wild is calling. Will you answer the Call?

Kromes is a community – driven project that aims to focus on art, innovation and community building. The project stands on three pillars:

  1. Art
  2. Lore
  3. Community

Let’s take a deeper look into these pillars:



The emphasis of art comes from the theory that a project’s PFP is crucial for marketing, branding and evoking emotion. It serves as a testament to the devotion of the founders to one critical aspect of the project. A total of more than seven (7) months were spent in achieving what they see as perfection with every trait including the nose, eyes, whiskers, shapes, muzzles, size and manes. This provided them with an extensive collection with three major categories: the skin, the stripes and the eyes.





The lore behind Kromes is driven by the narrative that world building, while secondary to their pillars, is also crucial to the nature of their project. The lore is heavily inspired by post apocalyptic and sci-fi games, novels and other works of media of the same genre. As a community driven project, the team believes that integrating an expansive lore behind the PFP will elevate the experience of being in the project as well as separate the content they produce from already existing projects from the same categories. The lore will be fueled by the team’s extensive knowledge about the sci-fi and fantasy genres.






While there is great emphasis on art and lore, this will all be done with the core idea being in the forefront; building a community. The team’s goal in building and fostering a community involves two factors: The Experience & The Rewards. The experiences will help evoke emotion towards their project as they aim to bring activities such as tournaments and the survival events driven by their rewards platform. The focus on experience is of importance to them as they believe that this is the best way to engage their community and that this, along with the lore integrated with the experience will yield the best results.  The rewards will come in the form of their loyalty system. The loyalty system rewards the community for representing the KROME’s brand as their PFP. This is the first step because as they move forward, achievements for collecting and interacting with the platform will yield rewards such as merch, future drops, all new experiences and IRL events access.


Loyalty System:

  • The project team has been dedicating significant time to developing the loyalty system.
  • Currently, they are focused on refining individual achievements within the system.
  • The points system remains under development, pending the finalization of all achievements.
  • The project aims to create a collection of diverse achievements that are engaging and provide long-term value.
  • Once the achievements are complete, the next step is to iterate on the platform’s UX/UI, as the development deal has already been secured.


  • The first experience has been meticulously planned and detailed.
  • Initially, the team contemplated keeping it a surprise post-mint, but it’s a unique concept aimed at supporting specific community aspects.
  • This experience will also serve as a valuable testing ground for the platform.
  • It is expected to last 2-3 months, offering substantial social exposure.
  • The second experience is a work in progress, with a clear vision in place.
  • Ongoing development is planned after mint, given its complexity and resource demands.
  • The third experience is currently in the ideation phase.

Revenue Streams:

  • The project has a well-defined plan for revenue generation.
  • While specifics are not yet disclosed, the team has already initiated work on this aspect.
  • They intend to reveal more details when they are ready to share the comprehensive revenue strategy.
Team Members Role
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ilnp – Co-Founder | Creative & Marketing

– A fantasy enthusiast with a decade of experience in digital marketing and ad agency management.

– Known for his pixel-perfect attention to detail and extensive analysis of data and designs.


Djog – Co-Founder | Strategy & Growth

– A dedicated professional with ten years of experience in digital marketing, strategy, and business operations for top-tier startups.

– Enjoys breaking down and optimizing systems to maximize efficiency.


ms – Co-Founder | Operations & Tech

– A seasoned NFT expert with a unique skill set encompassing management and development.

– A versatile individual deeply connected to the tech industry, ensuring smooth operations.


merlinchild – Team | Artist

– An unconventional artist working from an idyllic shed, specializing in hand-drawn surrealism.

– Murray’s distinctive style has already left its mark on various projects and 1/1 collections.


Kromes as a project does look very promising based on face value. The detail in their art and their promotional media has been top notch, which has led quite the number of eyes to be on them. The team is leveraging their knowledge base and applying it into the project which personally, is a good indicator about the founders’ passion towards the project itself.

Before conducting this review, I had a quick chat with Djog so I would be able to cover a few points of concerns I had regarding the project prior to launch.

The first concern I brought up was the collection size. A 10,ooo collection in this market is not really something we are looking for right now as there is low interest in NFTs. No matter what they aim to bring to the table, Djog and the team addressed this during the chat and an announcement stating that the collection size and mint price are not set in stone, they are aware of the current market and will adjust accordingly if needed.

The second factor I inquired was about the project’s sustainability. This will always be a concern of mine in any project, especially since the removal of royalties. According to Djog and the team, they acknowledge the pitfalls of relying solely on royalties within the Web3 space, emphasizing the need for diversified revenue streams. Their goal is to create ample revenue sources to expand their offerings, inviting the community’s support in areas like an art studio, business consulting, and design, to achieve long-term success.

We have seen this kind of business model work with both Mob Studios and the lesser known, Pen Friends so I will give the team the benefit of the doubt that this avenue for revenue stream is achievable as they move forward.

The recent update by the team does show that they are eager in having the project succeed and the community along with it. Touching points on the future of the project, current status of the Loyalty Platform and plans for external revenue sources. This is something that I personally saw a step towards the right direction and shows the effort to be transparent and the willingness to compromise.

Kromes aims to reward its holders and most of the time, history has proven that approaching this without any solid form of revenue to keep on sustaining these rewards and the project itself, will only lead to a short term runway (if there will be any runway built at all). The space has been more critical of projects over the past cycle and needs more than just alluring art or a valuable message. I personally think that the space is currently looking for proof of work and deliverables even before mint or shortly after.

That being said, I will keep my eyes on Kromes and how the team will respond to the current changes in the market and their model. They are addressing the issue regarding a lot of projects that consider lore as a key concept: how to incentivize the community and how to sustain the project’s runway. The team appears to be mature enough to understand the state of the market and the demand that comes along with it.


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