Gaimin Arena

Gaming / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 7777
Mint date: TBA
Mint price: 1.3 Sol
Project verified by
Last review update December 9th, 2023

About Gaimin Arena

What is GAIMIN?

GAIMIN Key Details and Numbers:

  • 250k Platform Downloads
  • 5 years in the business
  • 60k-70k monthly active users
  • 3x DOTA 2 Champions as Ambassadors (GAIMIN Gladiators)
  • Collaborations with BNB Chain, Snackclub/, Blockchain Game Alliance, and others.
  • 70 different cryptocurrencies via Binance Pay for purchasing merchandise.

The GAIMIN Project in essence, is a gaming infrastructure that revolves around Web3 technology, gaming, and distributed cloud computing. The project’s Web3 gaming platform aims to create an economy that is characterized by passive rewards, and ownership of in-game assets while rewarding both gamers and developers.

GAIMIN and Tapping Into The Computing Powers


GAIMIN’s goal is to tap into the largest source of distributed computing power, connecting gaming computational capabilities to the ever-increasing demand for data processing. The project solution for this is to facilitate the transition of three billion gamers and their GPUs and bring them towards Web3 gaming, promising benefits such as true ownership, interoperable assets, decentralized transactions, and a democratic gaming experience in a frictionless manner.

The GAIMIN Ecosystem


  • The GAIMIN ecosystem comprises three key components. Firstly, the GAIMIN Platform, currently in the MVP development stage, serves as the Web3 gaming platform and game launcher. Built on the Electron programming framework for scalability, it provides true ownership of in-game assets, passive rewards, and access to Web3-enabled games.
  • Secondly, the GAIMCRAFT Developer Tools, featuring a proprietary SDK/API for game developers and a testing sandbox with user feedback, acts as a launchpad for new Web3-enabled games.
  • Finally, gaimin. cloud functions as a decentralized cloud computing platform, utilizing aggregated computational power for AI, video rendering, and blockchain computations, enabling passive monetization of idle computing resources.

Network Expansion Referral Program

The Network Expansion Referral Program (NEP) incentivizes users with 10% of rewards from introduced gamers, while qualification for higher levels mandates a minimum of 10 hours of GAIMIN usage per week. Additionally, during AI testing phases, rewards may be impacted, but compensations, such as extra game assets, are assured.


A collection of 7,777 Gladiator-inspired PFPs that will serve as the gateway into the GAIMIN ecosystem and be directly tied to the $GMRX Token. This is also the second collection minted by Gaimin. Their GAIMIN Genesis collection has already minted out before and is on ETH.


To make this section a bit clearer, I have categorized the utility of GAIMIN into different categories: For the Gamers, For The Developers, The NFT collection, and The $GMRX Token.

GAIMIN For The Gamers:

  • Offers true ownership of in-game assets, passive rewards, and access to Web3-enabled games.
  • The Gaimin platform rewards gamers with passive income just by playing on the platform and sharing their GPU/computer power with the cloud.
  • During beta testing for the MVP, active users received an average daily reward of $1.41 in $USDC.
  • Rewards from the platform will include in-game skins, items and access to e-sports events
  • Rewards will be distributed in $GMRX

GAIMIN For the Developers:

  • Proprietary SDK/API for game developers and a Sandbox for game testing and direct user feedback.
  • Decentralized cloud computing platform.
  • Utilizes aggregated computational power for AI, video rendering, and blockchain computations.
  • Enables passive monetization of idle computing resources.

GAIMIN Gladiators NFT (Gen2):


  • Eligible for a refund in $GMRX equivalent to the amount spent on minting or purchasing presales.
  • In-game skins, merchandise, Gaimin Gladiator-related merchandise, gadgets, and esports event tickets.
  • Exclusive special access to their brand ambassadors and e-sports team, Gaimin Gladiators as well perks such as merchandise and tickets to esports events.

The $GMRX Token:


Buyback mechanism:

  • Gaimin Gladiators refund in $GRMX set at 20% during this TGE (10-month linear vesting schedule)
  • Gaimin plans to purchase the token from the market and issue rewards to users’ accounts.
  • The services provided by the GPU sharing services of the platform are what will fuel the revenue used for the buybacks.
  • The team stated that a portion of the minted funds will be allocated toward the liquidity pool (LP) of the token..

Marketplace utilization:


  • $GMRX tokens can be used to purchase digital gaming assets, merchandise, Gaimin Gladiators fan benefits, and tickets to esports events.

Watch To Earn:

  • $GRMX can also be earned by watching livestreams featuring the Gaimin Gladiators esports competitions.
Team Members Role
Powered by

Martin Speight:  CEO & Co-founder

  • Experienced entrepreneur and business strategy consultant.
  • Over 28 years of experience in sales & marketing.
  • Founder of a specialist online marketing consultancy.

Andrew Faridani: CMO & Co-founder

  • Founder of Canada’s largest local digital agency.
  • 18 years of experience specializing in online advertising, branding, and social media.

Calvin Adamus: CPO & Co-founder

  • GAIMIN creator with product-specific knowledge.
  • Strategic advisor, community building, and referral program specialist.
  • Extensive experience in developing concepts through to reality.Multi-lingual and world-traveled.

Clive Aroskin: COO & Co-founder

  • Operations and logistics specialist.
  • Significant entrepreneurial startup experience.

Robert Van Schaik: CFO & Co-founder

  • 30 years of business formation and management experience.
  • Founder of several successful online businesses.

Buki Ben Natan: CTO & Co-founder

  • Extensive knowledge of blockchain technologies.
  • All aspects of IT product development.
  • Vast experience with big data tech., stack & machine learning.

There is definitely a lot to unpack with GAIMIN. It is a multifaceted business venture that uses the technology of Web3 to elevate the experience of its gaming platform and to create a frictionless approach in onboarding these Web2 gamers to Web3. The GAIMIN platform is quite easy to navigate around, pretty much the same functionality as with other existing gaming platforms such as STEAM and EPIC Games but in an effort to be objective here, let’s dive deeper into the specific pros and cons of GAIMIN, as a project and as a business.


A. A Frictionless Approach

  • While the project has a lot more to it, the frictionless approach that the platform creates is probably what stands out the most to me. I believe that the first group of people we can onboard to Web3 are gamers as we have similar natures.
  • Web2 gamers are quick to spend bucks to purchase in-game collectibles just to enhance their gameplay experience even if it doesn’t translate value in real life. This is basically how the “degenerate” behavior of Web3 is as well but with the main difference of us having true ownership of our collectibles (NFTs) and with real-world benefits in some cases.
  • GAIMIN leverages its token, $GRMX to onboard these gamers into Web3 by allowing them to purchase NFTs that they can use in the game servers that GAIMIN operates in.
  • The main platform itself is easy to use and access and is not much different from its Web2 counterparts aside from the fact that it offers the opportunity to buy Digital Gaming Assests (they use this term instead of NFTs).
  • At the moment, $GMRX is off-chain and basically acts as points in their platform but once the projects launch the token, these 9000 daily active users will be participating in on-chain activity without even knowing it. While it’s not a direct learning approach, it is frictionless enough to develop interest.

B. Taking Advantage of Strong Narratives

  • Another key aspect of GAIMIN that makes it stand out is that it has a business model that works with the current narratives that the Web3 space is experiencing some significant strides with. These are gaming and AI.
  • This computing power comes for all users of their platform who choose to share their GPUs to the cloud. The project has essentially created a platform that enhances the gaming experiences of their users with Web3 technology along with being able to assist developers in creating their own games with much more efficiency coming from the shared powers of the GPUs being outsourced by the platform. This processing power is also sold to companies involved with the development of AI.
  • Their play on riding these current narratives has proven to be effective as at the time of writing, their Gen0 collection is sitting at 0.38 ETH.

C. A Balanced Business Model and Strong Brand Representation

  • This is directly tied to point B. GAIMIN has proven itself to have a working business model. Boasting 250K downloads on their platform with 9000 daily users. This shows the product is widely accepted and used by a majority of the target audience. At the same, the project’s model of outsourcing GPUs and computational powers while rewarding the users at the platform and participants of the GPU sharing at almost zero cost shows that it is possible to have a sustainable and effective revenue stream and reward your community (gamers and NFT holders post min) at the same time.
  • GAIMIN is heavily backed by Binance and acts as their Web3 gaming chain ambassador.
  • The project boasts a top-tier esports team serving as GAIMIN’s brand ambassador. In an environment where NFTs and Web3 projects often face low visibility, having a prestigious team associated with GAIMIN in various esports events is poised to significantly enhance the platform’s exposure. To illustrate, the esports team has collectively accumulated a remarkable 10 billion views across their respective leagues, effectively amplifying the presence of the GAIMIN brand.



A. The Risks of having an NFT Collection

  • GAIMIN’s venture into the NFT market through the Gladiators collection may face challenges, given the volatile and speculative nature of the NFT space. The success of the collection relies heavily on market trends and participant sentiment, which can be unpredictable.
  • The decision to introduce an NFT collection raises questions about its necessity within the GAIMIN ecosystem. Launching the $GMRX token alone might suffice, making the collection seem like an additional layer that could potentially complicate the project, especially in terms of having to perpetually reward the community in a way that will maintain interest.
  • This has been addressed by the team wherein they stated that the purpose of the NFT collection was to create a community, generate interest for the token and that it will act as a “VIP Pass” to their ecosystem and the rewards it will offer now and in the future. However, it is still an area of concern as we cannot assume holders of the NFTs will be as interested in the rewards stated and may only force the project to pivot to a different reward system and to go against the model that currently been working well for them.

B. The Sustainability of The Token Buyback Approach

  • The strategy of buying back tokens from the market and issuing rewards raises concerns about long-term sustainability. Market dynamics, liquidity fluctuations, and the potential impact on token value.
  • GAIMIN’s revenue model heavily relies on GPU sharing, presenting a risk as the GPU market evolves. Shifts in technology, regulations, or user preferences could impact the availability and profitability of GPU sharing, affecting the overall sustainability of the project.

C. $GRMX Tokenomics and Revenue Model:

  •  The large token supply of 100,000,000,000 raises questions about scarcity and potential dilution of value. Managing such a large supply requires strategic planning to maintain tokenomics. While the team and the platform may be able to convince the Web2 natives to spend $GMRX on their platform, we cannot assume that it will be the same approach the Web3 natives will take as this sector of their community leans more towards profits in most cases.
  • Allocating 80% of revenue for buybacks and user rewards might limit the team’s ability to generate profits directly. While they are certainly in the green right now and their GPU-sharing model requires almost 0 cost to run, certain market conditions may negatively affect the project because of this revenue allocation.


My overall outlook on GAIMIN is still currently positive. The project demonstrates a working business model, strong brand representation, and strategic partnerships that actually have an impact. My only reservation lies in the short-term effectiveness of the NFT collection and how having a community created behind a collection doesn’t necessarily mean an increased interest in the product or the token itself. That being said, the platform’s frictionless approach, leveraging the familiar behavior of gamers, sets a strong foundation for onboarding users into the world of NFTs and decentralized gaming.

I will be on the lookout for what their strategy will be, after mint and see what kind of directions they will take in lieu of having an NFT-based community. If you are interested as well, I encourage you to take a look at the project and team and arrive at your conclusions (I’ll make it easy for you, give this podcast a listen). I believe that GAIMIN certainly has what it takes to be top tier if they are able to play their cards right after the Gladiators mint.


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