Degen Ape Academy is a project aiming to build the IP brand, not only in the web3 space but in time expanding their reach into irl.
There are currently 3 collections
The project is aiming to grow their brand by increasing their presence in both the web3 space and eventually branch into the web2 space.
They have built such a strong following with community values that allow the devs to do their job while the DAO or DAOO as they describe it host twitter spaces and creates activities to enhance community engagement.
The overall goal for Degen Ape Academy is to keep building the IP or brand.
Don’t expect anything spectacular in the near future, these guys are slow and meticulous in what they are creating and are ticking off milestones as they go.
They have a goal and a plan to get there and have the community backing in every step.
For now owning either a DAA, DTP or DDB gets entry into the DAOO.
This gets you through the gates and into the academy where you can hang out in the homeroom, engage and participate with the community and earn your NFT some gold stars for your sticker book.
Gold stickers are acquired from field trips or completing homework tasks or “role call” which is a cool name for the snapshot to find unlisted NFT’s.
Collect 169 gold stars and redeem them for a Loot box.
Some of the interesting things built already are the Degeniverse. Which is actually a marketplace for buying and selling your DAA, DTP and DDB. (Even the unhatched DDB eggs)
Currently one of the popular things to do is try and top the leaderboard playing a game created for ioS and Android called Degen Ape Academy Drop out. Which is a fun 2d platformer where your character is a Degen Ape.
Even under bear market conditions the community is very strong and backs the project in what steps they take in the process of building the IP.
Degen Ape Academy have been described as the stable coin of Solana. With all the volatility their floor price has stayed relatively strong. This is a great sign that holders are confident in the project. The project done a great job establishing a strong base, the community is incredibly strong and will allow the devs to build without demanding immediate progress.
DAA has a path in mind and will progress and their own pace to achieve these goals on their journey to becoming a big brand.