
Brand / PFP / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: First Batch: 3000
Mint date: Mid July
Mint price: TBA
Project verified by
Last review update July 10th, 2023

About Decod3rs

Watch – Share – Earn!

That’s the motto of the new Decod3rs Watch-To-Earn (W2E) platform. The team interviews founders, content creators and web3 market makers, allowing viewers on the platform to earn their native token $VIEWS just for watching and engaging with their content.

They produce content and redirect some of the generated revenue back to the community (in $VIEWS), aligning incentives between the platform, content creators and holders.

Once they have proven this model works, they will open the platform to other content creators by white labeling their app, allowing people to implement Decod3rs W2E model with the $VIEWS token into their own communities.

Decod3rs are releasing their NFTs in 5 batches, determined by the number of subscribers they have on their Youtube channel. Every 3000 subscribers they acquire, they will release another batch of 3000 NFTs, capped at 15,000.

The release breakdown will look like this:

Youtube Subscribers                            NFTs Released
3000                                                                3000 – Batch 1
6000                                                                3000 – Batch 2
9000                                                                3000 – Batch 3
12000                                                              3000 – Batch 4
15000                                                              3000 – Batch 5

The 1st batch is due to be released mid-July and will be minted with the $VIEWS token.

For each NFT that you hold, you will gain a multiplier that increases the number of $VIEWS tokens you will earn while watching content on their platform.

At time of writing, the project is still making changes to the business model so any information here is subject to change up until official release.


The $VIEWS Token is the Utility Token of the DeCod3rs Community.

This token will be used as the currency for many utilities of the DeCod3rs universe and its partners application utilities.

Some of these utilities include:

1. Being able to mint the NFTs using their native $VIEWS Token. This allows people to essentially mint this collection for free because you earn $VIEWS simply by watching content on the platform.

2. Holders receive twice as many $VIEWS per minute for each NFT owned. For example, 10 NFTs owned means you make 10 times more $VIEWS per minute.

3. Viewers have the ability to be able to support their favorite content creators by ‘tipping’ them with $VIEWS on the Decod3rs platform whilst watching live.

4. Decod3rs will have random Merch drops available to be purchased using $VIEWS Token.

5. A Revenue Share model will be implemented, allowing up to 30% of company revenue to be paid out to holders. Unclear whether or not this will be in Solana or $VIEWS.

6. Access to the Decod3rs DAO Council where proposals will be voted upon by the community to determine the future direction of the project.

7. Customizable NFTs! Decod3rs plan to have their collection customizable to suit holders personalities, styles, gender, brand and much more.

8. Decod3rs are currently in talks to set up a $VIEWS Liquidity Pool.

Viewers will earn 1 $VIEWS every minute they watch content on the Decod3rs platform.

Team Members Role
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Core Team:

Vinz – Vincent is the Founder and Owner of Decod3rs.

Jas – Moderator & Community Management.

Souru – Decod3rs Artist, specializing in Illustration, Character Design and Animation.

Ryvnworth – Web3 Creative Director, Branding, UX / UI.

Reeesha – Moderator & Community Management

Vpiphany – Content Creation & Co-Host

Content Creators and Advisors can be viewed HERE.


Decod3rs aim to change the way web3 watches video content by ‘Paying you for your Attention!’

This has not successfully been done before so this is uncharted territory. If done correctly, this business model could prove lucrative for viewers and business owners alike. If done incorrectly, i don’t see it gaining traction.

My Thoughts on the Founder?

The Founder, Vincent, is a Solana OG with a background in business start ups. He is currently bank rolling Decod3rs with his own money which is something i admire in a Founder as it tells me they have skin in the game and aligned interests with investors. He has also stated he can continue to do this for a couple of years if he needs to.

Vincent is not taking the usual route to raising money by having the collection minted in Solana. Instead, he plans to mint the collection using the $VIEWS token that people can earn for free by watching content on Decod3rs platform. He will conduct a private seed round where he seeks to raise money from family, friends and other connections the team have made within the web3 space and in return, investors receive a percentage stake in the project and an allocation of $VIEWS tokens. If the complete amount is raised it should increase the runway to around 3 years and allow him to hire a few extra staff members which will be crucial to the projects success.

By being able to mint using $VIEWS, you are reducing your risk to virtually nothing as this token can be acquired for free by watching content on their platform!

NFT Release Process…

I think its a very smart idea for Decod3rs to release their collection in batches. This way the team can capitalize on the hype that generally comes with minting a collection, multiple times. They are also able to control the release of their NFTs to match the projects demand. Higher demand = quicker release and a slower demand = slower release. Either way it doesn’t have a negative effect on the project, unless of course they fail to mint out.

Upon the first batch minting out, Decod3rs will elect a DAO Council. Proposals will be available for holders to vote to approve or deny. The DAO can decide things like the percentage to allocate to the revenue sharing pool, royalties, video topics the team should focus on and many more things. This gives the Decod3rs community some control in the future direction of the project.

The $VIEWS Token:

The next thing i am very interested in is the $VIEWS token. Decod3rs aim to create a whole sustainable ecosystem around $VIEWS which can be quite challenging. There is no documents available yet on the Tokenomics of $VIEWS but Vincent did state he was open to working with a team to develop it. For a project like Decod3rs, i personally feel they need a proper team who specializes in Tokenomics as the success of the project depends on this being done right.

$VIEWS has a supply limit of 21 Million. After conducting a conservative calculation using the current information available to the public, you could expect that supply limit to be reached after approximately 1 year. Vincent did say that the team may decide to reduce the amount of $VIEWS rewarded to holders, though nothing is confirmed as of yet.

Having the supply limit reached too early could hinder the projects growth as they try to white label the tech to other communities. This is because once supply limit is reached, no more $VIEWS can be rewarded for watching content and if communities white label this tech but their members cannot earn $VIEWS then the question arises, how will the team manage viewer rewards and balance it in such a way to make it worth while?

This is why establishing correct Tokenomics from the get go is a crucial element to this business model in my opinion.


Their W2E platform is currently live and upon visiting it for the first time i was quite impressed. I found it had a clean UI, was simple to navigate and had videos with straight to the point titles and no clickbait. They also have their platform analytics publicly available to show full transparency to their users. The Youtube channel currently has 4.2k subscribers and the channel is already monetized providing the project some form of revenue, albeit a small amount.

Project Revenue?

Project revenue streams are still in their infancy but Decod3rs have plans to make money from ad revenue, sponserships, royalties, content creator tools, private and exclusive streams available to paying subscribers and the ability for Founders to white label Decod3rs tech so they can introduce $VIEWS into their own communities. They also have trait packs that will be for sale so holders can fully customize their NFT the way they want so they can rep that ultimate pfp. Id be lying if i said i wasn’t excited for that!


The art has yet to be completely confirmed but if you want an idea of what it could look like then head over to the Artists Twitter profile in the ‘Team’ section of this review. Also stay up to date with Decod3rs Twitter page for announcements on Art Reveal!


One thing i think is hugely beneficial to a project is an in-depth whitepaper outlining their business model, roadmap and how they are going to achieve their goals. Currently Decod3rs do not have a detailed whitepaper but i hope to see one in the near future! The more questions that go unanswered the better.

In Conclusion:

I feel the projects success is going to depend heavily on 3 things:

  1. $VIEWS Tokenomics and Ecosystem
  2. White Labelling their tech to other communities
  3. Consistent, quality and engaging content

If all of these things can be done correctly then i think Decod3rs have a chance at becoming a household name. For now the team is concentrating on networking and producing more content to grow the channel and their community.

I am looking forward to seeing what the team at Decod3rs can accomplish. If you wish to stay up to date with what they are building, join their Discord and get amongst the community. You can also check out our interview with Decod3rs in the ‘Podcast’ menu of our website.

Remember, this project is available to mint using $VIEWS so head over to their platform HERE to Watch & Earn!


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