Alien Fungi

Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 7777
Mint date: TBD
Mint price: TBD
Current floor price (ME): 0.15 SOL
Total Listed (ME): 32
Total Sales (ME): 435.20 SOL
Project verified by
Last review update December 4th, 2023

About Alien Fungi

Backed by a team of 21 talented artists and game developers, Alien Fungi brings a premier browser-based gaming experience as the flagship product of Kalysto Studio!

This innovative game elevates the idle staking genre by offering an immersive and interactive experience on blockchain technology. Players cultivate virtual seeds, nurture mushrooms, and earn $FUNGI, which can be used in collaborative challenges and engaging games within the platform.


The Game

Alien Fungi offers a versatile gaming experience with four key elements catering to diverse playstyles, including laidback farming, collaborative treasure hunts, and intense combat. Currently, all games require holding the NFT for participation.

Comprehensive gameplay details are gradually being released, and we have compiled a summary of the available information to date.


The FungiFarm


The FungiFarm serves as the central hub where players cultivate their farms by planting seeds linked to their NFTs, subsequently harvesting mushrooms to earn $FUNGI tokens. Diverse seeds, lands, and potions introduce a strategic dimension essential for optimizing token yields.

Sneak previews of the gameplay have already been shared on social media and can be viewed here.



The open-world gaming experience enables real-time player interaction. Collaboration is encouraged, allowing players to pool resources and work together for a shared, enjoyable experience. Additionally, there are rumours of potential opportunities for sabotage of other players’ endeavours, catering to those with a more devious playstyle…


The Graveyard

The Graveyard is a cooperative gameplay mode where players work together to acquire rewards from randomly placed loot boxes, containing $SOL, $FUNGI tokens, and NFT prizes. Access to this map requires tickets purchased in $FUNGI.


The Casino

Who in the space doesn’t love a little gambling? The casino offers an entertaining avenue for players to use $FUNGI or $SOL and try their luck on over 500 mini-games.


The Bank

Shooting game. More information to come. Although I suspect this is a teaser.


The Collections

Alien Fungi: The Portal

The Portals are a collection of 100 NFTs that were a free airdrop to members of the community handpicked via an application process. Their function in the game remains to be seen.


Main Collection

The main collection consists of 7777 Alien Fungi NFTs with the team looking to mint prior to the end of the year on Magic Eden.

At time of writing 1300 NFTs have been sold via presale at a price of 65 USDC.



The Alien Fungi game revolves around farming and utilising the $FUNGI token. Players earn tokens through the FungiFarm with various strategic elements needing consideration, as outlined below. The tradable tokens play a role in enhancing farming capabilities to increase earnings and engaging with other facets of the game, such as the Graveyard and Casino.

In any idle staking game, the delicate balancing act of tokenomics is crucial. Unlike existing idle staking games, the token’s use case extends beyond improving a player’s ability to earn more tokens. Additional token sinks offer additional avenues for the project to recover $FUNGI.

The whitepaper also outlines a burn system stipulating that every $FUNGI token spent in the game undergoes burning, removing them from circulation and establishing a long-term deflationary trend. Transparency is facilitated by blockchain records of the burn transactions.


Known Tokenomics Details

  • Total Supply = 100 million $FUNGI
  • Portion of mint funds allocated to setting up an LP with leftover funds to be used for token buybacks


The FungiFarm

As stated, there are several elements to the farming gameplay that players will need to consider in their strategies which will be covered below.



  • Blue Potions allow your seeds to grow without the need for watering
  • Beige Potions give you random items in the game
  • Yellow Potions increase the efficiency of your companions (to be discussed)
  • Green Potions give you the chance to double your mushroom yields – or it could leave you with nothing
  • Pink Potions accelerate seed growth time
  • Red Potions neutralise toxicity if poisonous mushrooms have been acquired



Different types of seeds also provide various functions that will influence the growth of your mushrooms. Green seeds are the standard but can be combined with other in-game resources to craft other seed variants

  • Green Seeds – standard growth rate and mushroom yield
  • Brown Seeds – guarantee a harvest of health mushrooms
  • Pink Seeds – produce a higher number of mushrooms but will take longer to grow
  • Blue Seeds – provide the chance to double your yield without the need for green potions
  • Orange Seeds – grow faster than the rest
  • Golden Seeds – guarantees an instant harvest with no growth time




Companions facilitate a more streamlined gameplay by automating the farming process in accordance with your strategies. Needless to say, they will be highly sought after!


Upgraded Lands

Players can purchase upgraded lands that increases the number of mushrooms to maximise their yields for a 7-day period.


Other Resources

Players will need to take gather natural resources to facilitate their farming endeavours. The search for water from lakes or wood from trees adds another layer of exploration to an already stacked gaming experience.

Team Members Role
Powered by


  • Founder
  • Web2 Background in running a successful steel company and is now bringing his entrepreneurial skillset to Alien Fungi



  • Founder
  • Web2 experience in Airbus, Siemens and PTC with expertise in 3D engineering
  • Has managed his family’s business, one of the largest companies in north Africa focussing on gold, since 1975


Kalysto Studio

  • Art and Design studio behind Alien Fungi boasting a range of past experience ranging from being a level designer for Ubisoft to collaborations with Coca-Cola.



  • Creative Director
  • Responsible for curating content for Twitter and Discord



  • Web3 Director
  • Leading Alien Fungi’s Web3 development and exposure


Thndr Studio

  • Advisory team bringing their experience and expertise in all things Web3 to formulate the best strategies and marketing plans for Alien Fungi

Initial Thoughts

My primary concern with the idle staking game meta stems from their limited engagement as genuine ‘games.’ Essentially, they are just staking with a front-end that involves more clicks. Moreover, players are motivated more by potential financial gains rather than the intrinsic entertainment value of the game itself and the sustainability of the returns is questionable.

However, considering the profit-oriented mindset prevalent in the Web3 ecosystem, introducing a purely recreational game might face challenges in gaining traction. The key question is whether people would be interested in a game without monetary incentives.

In this context, Alien Fungi’s approach stands out as unique and refreshing. They’ve acknowledged that their target audience is primarily seeking financial opportunities, and thus, they’ve designed the game around farming the $FUNGI token to appeal to this interest. They have then layered multiple other elements that fit into a more genuine gaming experience. Unlike conventional idle staking games, Alien Fungi offers an immersive open-world experience that goes beyond mere button-clicking. The real-time interaction with other players adds a compelling and enjoyable aspect, reminding me of my childhood experiences playing games like Maplestory or Runescape with my friends. The heightened engagement and potential for playful interactions, such as sabotaging others’ crops (I am particularly excited about this), contribute to Alien Fungi’s genuine potential to be hit in the gaming sphere.



While further details regarding $FUNGI’s tokenomics are pending, certain aspects already appear promising.

Conventional idle staking games typically operate on a model where spending tokens enhances the capacity to earn more tokens. However, this loop, devoid of external uses for the token, has its limitations. Alien Fungi distinguishes itself by introducing additional token sinks, providing alternative avenues for token utilization. The success of this approach hinges on making these features enticing enough to attract user engagement.

The implementation of an aggressive burn system, eliminating token supply instead of recycling it into emissions, introduces a deflationary aspect. This strategy contributes to the sustainability of the token’s value over time. Eventually, as token emissions cease, I suspect a transition similar to The Heist might occur, where a new token is introduced while the previous one retains relevance within the game.


Funding and Runway

huge green flag is when a team bootstraps creation of a product themselves. The ability to demonstrate that you have your own skin in the game helps build confidence in investors. An example of this can be seen in this announcement from July this year revealing that the first concept of the game had been completed a year prior, but due to it falling short of their own standards, they opted to start again.

In a recent interview with the Skribr Team on the Shill & Grill Podcast, the team emphasised that the mint raise is not intended to reimburse the Founders for their initial investment. Instead, the primary focus is on utilising the funds to further develop the product, reflecting another positive aspect.

If the main mint phase maintains the 65 USDC presale price, the sale of 7777 NFTs would generate over $500K. The initial allocation of funds involves directing 50% to an LP to support the $FUNGI token, with the remaining 50% earmarked for future development.

Kalysto Studio

The glimpses presented on the Alien Fungi Twitter page offer a compelling showcase of Kalysto’s proficiency in crafting an engaging game environment. Bolstered by a sizable team of 21 members, one would think this will allow them to manoeuvre relatively quickly in an ever-changing space. The absence of outsourced development work typically accelerates the construction process significantly.


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