Upcoming Innovations and Enhancements for Smyths

April 20th, 2024
Smyths continues to innovate with promising updates. The Lossless Lottery will expand with more sponsors, enhancing rewards. Smyths are set for a Zelo Airdrop from @zelofinance, with further benefits via a multiplier effect. The Atlas3 Triton update promises new benefits specifically for Smyths holders. Bifrost returns, offering a curated launchpad experience and a new $FORGE minting phase. Art upgrades are on the horizon with the Fountain of Youth initiative, enhancing Smyths NFTs with multiple styles. Additionally, enhanced community engagement through bounty programs and increased airdrops are planned. Exclusive benefits on various protocols and increased utilization of SHFT across real-life events and partnerships are also in the works. Stay tuned as Smyths aims to provide more value and opportunities for its community.

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