Polkadot 1.0 Completion Sets Stage for 2.0 Discussions

November 5th, 2023
Polkadot marks a major milestone with the completion of Polkadot 1.0, sparking conversations about its next iteration, Polkadot 2.0. Messari's analysis highlights a 12% rise in DOT staking rates, despite a decrease in staking rewards and a concerning drop in daily active addresses. Developer engagement remains high, hinting at sustained growth and a possible uptick with the forthcoming Polkadot 2.0 developments. Financially, after a challenging Q3 with a 22% drop, Polkadot's value is witnessing a turnaround, climbing by 9% and exhibiting a bullish trend in the current quarter. The crypto community watches with interest as Polkadot navigates the ebbs and flows of innovation and market response.

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