Baby Ape Social Club Under New Management

November 29th, 2023
In a groundbreaking development, Baby Ape Social Club (BASC) has announced a significant shift in ownership, placing TheRealCrypdoh at the helm. Supported by ACiD_L25 and tron5stx, the new leadership is set to guide BASC back to its foundational roots in the web3 community. The transition marks a pivotal moment for the project, signaling an imminent overhaul and simplification. BASC's top priority is streamlining its operations and enhancing the overall project structure.

Under the strategic vision of the new leadership, Baby Ape Social Club is poised to embark on a new trajectory, fostering unity within its community. The upcoming changes are expected to bring forth a revitalized BASC, emphasizing a return to its core values and community-driven ethos.

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