The 4 Year Cycle Fallacy

BTC/USD,  W Education

“Every four years, Bitcoin experiences a halvening event, and we have a Crypto bull market.” This refrain has become familiar, hasn’t it? While there’s a kernel of truth in historical patterns, it’s crucial not to fall into the trap of assuming that this four-year cycle will eternally replay itself. In financial markets, certainties yield diminishing returns as more capital flows in to exploit the opportunity, fostering stability. Bitcoin is no exception.

Rather than banking on extravagant 20,000% returns every four years, it’s time to adopt a more realistic outlook. Recognize that we’ve already witnessed diminishing returns. The trajectory isn’t an unbroken ascent to the stars; it’s a curve that will eventually lead to a phase of stable, lateral price movement—a prospect that many current market participants may find uninspiring. For a significant portion of them, rapid gains are the allure, and when that fades, they’ll migrate elsewhere like a swarm of locusts.

Let’s delve into some pragmatic assessments. In each cycle, we’ve observed smaller multiples and flatter curves in Bitcoin’s trajectory. I anticipate the next cycle will follow suit, potentially featuring bursts of volatile price action that appear parabolic but ultimately level out over a longer time frame. While a six-figure Bitcoin is conceivable in this cycle, it’s prudent not to lend too much credence to the sensational predictions of $200,000 to $400,000—unless we witness a substantial devaluation of the USD, in which case, we’ll have broader concerns to grapple with.

We currently find ourselves in the accumulation phase, akin to refueling the rockets before launch. Yet, we await catalysts that will set things into motion and draw capital into the crypto market for a successful liftoff. Keep an ear attuned to the global financial landscape and emerging narratives within the crypto sphere that could kindle new interest before mania takes hold. We’re on the cusp, but there’s no need for alarm. You still have time. Now is the opportune moment to acquire knowledge and position yourself for the forthcoming cycle—whenever it materializes.”


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